• Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Nikki Haley launches $10M ad that dings Trump over ‘chaos and drama’

Nikki Haley launches $10M ad that dings Trump over ‘chaos and drama’

Nikki Haley, Republican presidential candidate Thursday launched a new television commercial It hits former President Donald Trump calling for an end to the “chaos and drama.”

THE ad titled “Moral Clarity” touts the former UN ambassador as one who can restore values ​​and global leadership to the White House, an implicit criticism of the four-times indicted Trump.

“We must leave behind the chaos and drama of the past and strengthen our country, our pride and our purpose,” Haley says in the 30-second ad.

The rising Republican presidential candidate is spend a whopping $10 million air the ad in the early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

“A president must have moral clarity and know the difference between right and wrong,” Haley, 57, says in the ad. “It’s time for a new generation of conservative leaders.”

Haley, riding a wave of improving poll numbers and massive support, hopes to overtake rival Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in second place and establish himself as the leading alternative to Trump.

Former President Donald Trump speaks to a crowd of supporters at Fort Dodge High School November 18, 2023 in Fort Dodge, Iowa.  (Jim Vondruska/Getty Images)
Former President Donald Trump speaks to a crowd of supporters at Fort Dodge High School November 18, 2023 in Fort Dodge, Iowa. (Jim Vondruska/Getty Images)

The ad is his first major foray onto the airwaves after spending months slowly building support. His campaign benefits from a new electric atmosphere during recent campaign events with many attending listening to Haley’s message for the first time just six weeks away from Iowa.

The former South Carolina governor seeks to warn Republican voters about the danger of sticking with Trump without angering his most loyal supporters.

Haley has so far produced notable performance in three GOP presidential debateswinning plaudits for taking more moderate positions on hot-button issues like abortion rights.

Voters responded positively and pushed Haley into a virtual tie in many polls with DeSantiswhich has been crumbling for months amid questions about its likability and brutal attacks from Trump.

Haley also solidified her support in a smaller area as former Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Tim Scott dropped out these last weeks.

She gained a huge boost this week when the The Koch network of conservative megadonors supported her on DeSantis. The group says she has the best chance of winning the general election, a key selling point for Republicans who fear Trump is too unpopular to win a rematch against President Biden.

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By Andrew

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