• Fri. Jul 5th, 2024
Opinion | The Senate’s Supreme Court Subpoena Games

Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin has reached the age and tenure at which he might consider himself a Lion of the Senate, but what a joke after his filthy power play Thursday in the Judiciary Committee. In an eagerness to break the rules at the end of a meeting, Mr. Durbin decided to show off by subpoenaing two friends of the Supreme Court justices in a partisan vote.

It’s part of a Democratic political campaign to portray the high court as a trinket bought by billionaires. Without finding a substantial legal conflict of interest, the press highlighted reports that the Justice Department Clarence Thomas I took a vacation with an old friend, Harlan Raven. “The two men became real friends, according to people who know both men,” as the left-wing newspaper ProPublica even admitted. According to the rules of the time, these movements of the judges did not have to be disclosed.

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By Andrew

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